
iPhone Simulator, Safari on Linux

iPhone Simulator:
Itself can run in any web browser. But to have the really same rendering effect as in a real iPhone, you have to use Safari to to run the iPhone simulator page.

Following are my steps (& notes) to get Safari run in Linux (Ubuntu 8.0.4):

1. Required dependency packages: wine and msttcorefonts
-- In Ubuntu, you can use either Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get command to install these packages.
sudo apt-get install wine msttcorefonts
Now you should have a "Wine" menu item in your "Applications" menu. Run "Configure Wine" to set (or make sure) Windows version is XP.

2. Copy the core windows fonts for Wine.
-- This is the tricky to make sure installed Safari really work smooth (thanks & credit goes to: Vitavonni http://www.vitavonni.de/)
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/
mkdir fonts
mkdir Fonts
cd /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/
cp *.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/
cp *.ttf ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/
Not sure which f(F)onts directory is really required. But if you are good at Linux/Unix, you know you can only creat one fonts directory and use symbol link for another so to save a little disk space ;) I am here just to make sure my steps work in any circumstance (such as my installed Wine has "Fonts" directory already but no "fonts" directory).

3. Download Safari for Windows XP.

4. Use Wine to install downloaded Safari executable file.
-- (My way: use file browser to find the safari exe file, mouse right click on it and then => Open with "Wine Windows Program Loader")

Now you should be happy to run Safari browser in Linux. Enjoy :)

Versions used in my experience:
Ubuntu: 8.0.4 (installed all recommended updates as of today)
Wine: 1.1.7 (but 1.0 works better, more stable)
Safari: 3.1.2